Center for Global Ethics and Politics


There is a salient need to study the normative and ethical questions that arise in the context of the globalization of politics, economies, and communications, and to approach these questions through diverse cultural perspectives and more cosmopolitan frameworks of human rights and democracy across borders. The Center for Global Ethics and Politics (CGEP) aims to foster collaborative research and introduce innovative public programs on these themes, and contributes a distinctive normative focus to the range of activities of the Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies.

The Center explores the ethics of globalization and the development of more effective transnational understanding and cooperation to deal with vexing issues of poverty, ethnic and cultural conflicts, and environmental degradation. The center’s research and colloquia seek to clarify key value questions that confront contemporary societies, including the requirements of global justice; the meaning and scope of human rights; new forms of cosmopolitan democracy; intercultural perspectives on ethics; strengthened institutions of global governance; and more effective transnational forms of democracy and solidarity.

To visit the Center for Global Ethics and Politics website, click here.

Professor Gould recognized by EMILY Fund.

Spring 2016 Schedule (link)

  • Melissa Schwartzberg, New York University, “Civil Juries and Democratic Legitimacy,” Thursday, February 25 @ 4:30pm, Room 5409
  • Jamie Mayerfeld, University of Washington, “Why Constitutional Government Requires International Human Rights Law”; Thursday, March 17 @ 4:30pm, Room C197 (Abstract)
  • Jennifer C. Rubenstein, University of Virginia, “Between Samaritans and States: The Political Ethics of Humanitarian INGOs”; Thursday, April 14 @ 4:30 pm (Abstract)

Past CGEP Events: click here.

Links to our Youtube channel

New Books in Global Ethics and Politics podcast

iTunesU channel with audio from all our colloquium series events

