Publication List |
All books published by Indiana University Press
unless otherwise noted. |
Ahead of
the Curve? UN Ideas and Global Challenges (2001)
Louis Emmerij, Richard Jolly, &
Thomas G. Weiss
Foreword by Kofi A. Annan |
A Choice Outstanding Academic
Book of 2003. Translated into Arabic, French, and German.
The first study to trace the development and impact of
the UN's most significant ideas on the world's economy.
"Carefully researched and well documented, this dissection
of the UN's contributions and failures in the areas of international
economic and social development is an important addition
to the literature." —Choice
"With the publication of this first
volume in the United Nations Intellectual History Project,
a significant lacuna in 20th-century scholarship and international
relations begins to be filled." —Kofi A. Annan,
UN Secretary-General
"A provocative reminder of the major
role of the United Nations in global social and economic
affairs in the postwar period; and a tantalizing taste of
what is still to come in a major intellectual effort better
to understand the UN's past and potential future role."
—Prof. Gerald K. Helleiner, University of Toronto
"This book as well as the whole project
have the great value of raising questions about the easy,
conservative realist approach that dominates diplomacy.
I wish that I had had it when I was teaching courses on
international organization." —Prof. Leon Gordenker,
Princeton University |
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the World: UN Ideas and Statistics (2004)
Michael Ward |
Good data, Michael Ward
argues, serve to enhance a perception about life as well
as to deepen an understanding of reality. This history of
the UN's role in fostering international statistics in the
postwar period demonstrates how statistics have shaped our
understanding of the world. Drawing on well over 40 years
of experience working as a statistician and economist in
more than two dozen countries around the world, Ward traces
the evolution of statistical ideas and how they have responded
to the needs of policy while unraveling the question of
why certain data were considered important and why other
data and concerns were not. The book explores the economic,
social, and environmental dimensions of the UN's statistical
work and how each dimension has provided opportunities for
describing the well-being of the world community. Quantifying
the World also reveals some of the missed opportunities
for pursuing alternative models.
“The political economy of international statistics
hardly exists as a subject, but could scarcely be more important
to our understanding of the world. We read the world through
statistics, but we know little about the non-technical aspects
of how they are formulated. This book makes a strong contribution
to filling the gap.”—Prof. Robert Hunter
Wade, London School of Economics
“Ward’s volume is a well-informed and engaged
account of the intellectual and political controversies
underlying an essential, expensive, and in many ways successful,
UN activity that takes place without notice by the media
or the public—the development and assembling of international
statistical data.”—Robert E. Lipsey, National
Bureau of Economic Research
“This seminal work tracks the UN statistical system
from the bold and idealistic days of its foundation when
its objective was to “quantify the world” through
to today’s obsessions with performance targets. It
covers a fascinating debate on the value of internationally
harmonized data, highlighting the danger of vesting power
in information entirely in the hands of governments. It
is essential reading for anyone interested in ‘political
arithmetic.’”—Denise Lievesley, UNESCO
Institute for Statistics
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Unity and
Diversity in Development Ideas: Perspectives from the UN
Regional Commissions (2004)
Edited by Yves Berthelot |
Unity and Diversity in
Development Ideas retraces the contribution of each
of the UN’s five regional commissions—Europe,
Asia, and the Far East, Latin America, Africa, and Western
Asia—to UN development thinking and also considers
the adaptation of UN global principles to the specific condition
of each region. Confronted with the same broad issues—growth,
employment, inequality, regional tensions, and globalization—the
regional commissions generated different, and sometimes
innovative, responses that reflected their economic and
cultural diversity. With contributions from former executive
secretaries of the commissions themselves and from experts
in the individual regions, Unity and Diversity in Development
Ideas is an invitation to the UN system to undertake
a serious reflection on the formulation of global initiatives.
It is also a plea for the UN to draw from its invaluable
wealth of national, regional, and global experiences a vision
of development adapted to the 21st century.
“In showing the diversity of issues faced by the
various regions and the diversity of answers developed by
the UN Regional Commissions, this book clearly demonstrates
that one-size-fits-all policies are inadequate to our world.”—Stéphane
Hessel, Ambassadeur de France
“The UN’s economic commissions have been the
source of much of the real innovation in our understanding
of economic development. Such ideas, documented by this
second volume in the series, are one of the lasting legacies
of the United Nations system. Indeed. The UN Intellectual
History Project is long overdue.”—Craig N.
Murphy, M. Margaret Ball Professor of International Relations,
Wellesley College |
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UN Contributions
Development Thinking and Practice (2004)
Richard Jolly, Louis Emmerij, Dharam
Ghai, & Frédéric Lapeyre |
A Choice Outstanding Academic
Book of 2005.
UN Contributions to Development Thinking and Practice
is at once a history of the ideas and realities of international
development, from the classical economists to the recent
emphasis on human rights, and a history of the UN's role
in shaping and implementing development paradigms over the
last half century. The authors, all prominent in the field
of development studies, argue that the UN's founding document,
the UN Charter, is infused with the human values and human
concerns that are at the center of the UN's thinking on
economic and human development today. In the intervening
period, the authors show how the UN's approach to development
evolved from mainstream areas of economic development to
include issues of employment, poverty reduction, fairer
distribution of the benefits of growth, equality of men
and women, child development, social justice, and environmental
“The far-reaching contributions that the United Nations
has made to the theory and practice of development policy
are often underappreciated. This well documented study takes
a powerful step towards correcting that neglect. It also
helps us to understand the continuing relevance of many
of the major developmental ideas that have emanated from
this remarkable institution.” —Prof. Amartya
Sen, Harvard University
“A timely and important study that casts new light
on the pioneering—and too little recognized—role
played by the United Nations system in shaping some of the
most important development thinking and results over the
last 60 years. In doing so it not only provides valuable
lessons from the past but helps point the way to a 21st
century agenda that remains true to the bedrock UN principles
of putting people at the heart of development.”—Mark
Malloch Brown, United Nations Development Programme
“Often when the Bretton Woods Institutions continued
along a path of narrow orthodoxy, the UN stood up with new
ideas and alternative policies. This volume documents these
and other too often ignored but important contributions
over the UN’s 60 years.”—Prof. Joseph
E. Stiglitz, Columbia University
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The UN
and Global Political Economy: Trade, Finance, and Development
John Toye & Richard Toye |
Against the backdrop of a 20-year
revolt against free trade orthodoxy by economists inside the
UN and their impact on policy discussions since the 1960s,
the authors show how the UN both nurtured and inhibited creative
and novel intellectual contributions to the trade and development
debate. Presenting a stirring account of the main UN actors
in this debate, The UN and Global Political Economy
focuses on the accomplishments and struggles of UN economists
and the role played by such UN agencies as the Department
of Economic (and Social) Affairs, the United Nations Commission
on Trade and Development, and the Economic Commission for
Latin America (and the Caribbean). It also looks closely at
the effects of the Latin American debt crisis of the 1980s,
the growing strength of the World Trade Organization in the
1990s, and the lessons to be drawn from these and other recent
“Our understanding of debates over the nature of
economic development, the role of international organisations
and the place of economists in shaping policy are transformed
by this readable and deeply researched book. It makes a
major contribution to the history of economic thought and
of post-war economic change.”—Prof. Martin
Daunton, University of Cambridge
“This thoroughly researched history gives a lively
and readable account of what seven famous economists contributed
to UN thinking. The UN work of Kalecki, Kaldor, Prebisch,
Singer, Furtado, Dell, and Noyola Vazquez is critically
re-examined and its later consequences are explored. In
the final chapter, the authors offer their own important
proposals for reform of the current international economic
architecture.”—José Antonio Ocampo,
Under-Secretary General for Economic and Social Affairs,
United Nations
“This thoughtful and scholarly book, surveying the
origins and evolution of United Nations economic policy-making,
cogently illuminates how the asymmetrical power among nations
has shaped the institutions we see today. It is essential
reading for anyone who wishes to understand contemporary
international economic institutions.”—Frances
Stewart, Director, Centre for Research on Inequality, Human
Security, and Ethnicity (CRISE), University of Oxford
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Power of
UN Ideas: Lessons from the First 60 Years (2005)
United Nations Intellectual History
Richard Jolly, Louis Emmerij, & Thomas G. Weiss |
Also available for download
from www.unhistory.org.
The UN has had a more positive and pioneering record on
the economic and social arena than is generally recognized.
Its contributions to development, thinking, and ideas are
among its most important achievements. Yet often these are
little known. This short book provides an overview of those
contributions, drawing on the results and findings of the
UN Intellectual History Project already published or in
preparation. |
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UN Voices:
The Struggle for Development and Social Justice (2005)
Thomas G. Weiss, Tatiana Carayannis,
Louis Emmerij, & Richard Jolly |
UN Voices presents the
human and moving stories of an extraordinary group of individuals
who contributed to the economic and social record of the UN's
life and activities. Drawing from extensive interviews, the
book presents in their own words the experiences of 73 individuals
from around the globe who have spent much of their professional
lives engaged in United Nations affairs. We hear from Secretaries-General
and presidents, ministers and professors, social workers and
field workers, as well as diplomats and executive heads of
UN agencies. Among those interviewed are noted figures such
as Kofi Annan, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Alister McIntyre, Conor
Cruise O'Brien, Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, and
Kurt Waldheim, as well as many less well known UN professional
men and women who have made significant contributions to the
international struggle for a better world. Their personal
accounts also engage their contributions in dealing with such
events and issues as the UN's founding, decolonization, the
rise and fall of the Berlin Wall, human rights, the environment,
and September 11, 2001.
“The United Nations is the grand experiment of our
age, and, like all experiments, it proceeds through trial
and error. Far from being a distant bureaucracy, the UN
is composed of individuals who are reshaped by vital experiences.
UN Voices gives international civil servants human
faces and shows how ideas drive the grand experiment. It
is a fascinating book.”—Prof. Arthur Schlesinger,
Jr., historian and special assistant to President John F.
“The authors have cajoled, intrigued or reassured
their seventy-three “voices” into telling a
fascinating story of the UN and its institutions, which
is also a story of seventy-three individual lives; of women
and men who are no longer simply voices, but individuals
with their own complicated histories of emigration and education,
family relationships and professional choices, hopes and
successes.”—Prof. Emma Rothschild, King’s
College, Cambridge University
“This extremely impressive oral history volume puts
a human face on the ideas and individuals that have shaped
the 60 year history of the United Nations. “Voices”
is an astonishingly moving personal as well as institutional
oral history, drawing upon the testimonies of 73 leaders
whose idealism, strategic thinking and collective cooperation
led to a system of global governance. This book could not
have been more timely, as it is an intellectual contribution
that will guide our future even as it illuminates our past.”—Mary
Marshall Clark, Director, Oral History Research Office,
Columbia University
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Development, and the UN:
A Sixty-Year Quest for Equality and Justice (2005)
Devaki Jain |
In Women, Development,
and the UN, internationally noted development economist
and activist Devaki Jain traces the ways in which women
have enriched the work of the United Nations from the time
of its founding in 1945. Synthesizing insights from the
extensive literature on women and development and from her
own broad experience, Jain reviews the evolution of the
UN's programs aimed at benefiting the women of developing
nations and the impact of women's ideas about rights, equality,
and social justice on UN thinking and practice regarding
development. Jain presents this history from the perspective
of the southern hemisphere, which recognizes that development
issues often look different when viewed from the standpoint
of countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The book
highlights the contributions of the four global women's
conferences in Mexico City, Copenhagen, Nairobi, and Beijing
in raising awareness, building confidence, spreading ideas,
and creating alliances. The history that Jain chronicles
reveals both the achievements of committed networks of women
in partnership with the UN and the urgent work remaining
to bring equality and justice to the world and its women.
“Devaki Jain opens the doors of the United Nations
and shows how it has changed the female half of the world—and
vice versa. Women, Development, and the UN is a book
that every global citizen, government leader, journalist,
academic, and self-respecting woman should read.”—Gloria
“Devaki Jain’s book nurtures your optimism
in this terrible war-torn decade by describing how women
succeeded in empowering both themselves and the United Nations
to work toward a global leadership inspired by human dignity.”—Fatema
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Human Security
and the UN: A Critical History (2006)
S. Neil MacFarlane & Yuen Foong
Khong |
How did the individual human
being become the focus of the contemporary discourse on security?
What was the role of the United Nations in "securing"
the individual? What are the payoffs and costs of this extension
of the concept? Neil MacFarlane and Yuen Foong Khong tackle
these questions by analyzing historical and contemporary debates
about what is to be secured. From Westphalia through the 19th
century, the state's claim to be the object of security was
sustainable because it offered its subjects some measure of
protection. The state's ability to provide security for its
citizens came under heavy strain in the 20th century as a
result of technological, strategic, and ideological innovations.
By the end of World War II, efforts to reclaim the security
rights of individuals gathered pace, as seen in the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights and a host of United Nations covenants
and conventions. MacFarlane and Khong highlight the UN's work
in promoting human security ideas since the 1940s, giving
special emphasis to its role in extending the notion of security
to include development, economic, environmental, and other
issues in the 1990s.
“MacFarlane and Khong … offer us a thought-provoking
and realistic critique of what they term the overreach of
human security as a concept as well as its practical limitations.
This is an important and stimulating book.”—Prof.
J. Ann Tickner, University of Southern California
“[A] major contribution to our understanding of
the ideational role of international organizations. The
research is extensive, the writing lucid, and their assessment
is clear-eyed and relevant.”—Prof. Stephen
M. Walt, Harvard University
“Human beings as individuals have increasingly been
placed at the center of international scholarly and policy
discourse. Perhaps surprisingly for an organization made
up of governments, the United Nations has been at the forefront
of capturing this historic shift in the new conceptual language
of human security. The “how,” “why”
and “so what” of the shift is brilliantly analyzed
by MacFarlane and Khong in this important new book that
is rigorous, detached, and critical rather than mushy and
full of passionate conviction.”—Prof. Ramesh
Thakur, Senior Vice-Rector, United Nations University
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Oxford Handbook on the United Nations (2007)
Oxford University Press
Thomas G. Weiss & Sam Daws, eds. |
This innovative, high profile
volume presents an authoritative and accessible state-of-the-art
analysis of the United Nations. The volume is intended to
shape the discipline of UN studies, and to establish itself
as the essential point of reference for all those working
on, in, or around the world organization. The volume is
substantial in scope, containing 40 chapters from 49 leading
scholars and practitioners - writing sometimes controversially,
but always authoritatively - on the key topics and debates
that define the institution.
“This Handbook is extraordinarily ambitious
and very timely, providing the most comprehensive assessment
available anywhere of the UN's performance in an increasingly
challenging global environment, and featuring an outstanding
cast of authors. It will be an indispensable reference guide
for scholars and practitioners alike.”—Prof.
John G. Ruggie, Harvard University, Former UN Assistant
“The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations
provides the essential overview of the UN under its Secretary-General,
Ban Ki-moon. Timely and authoritative, the book provides
a well-judged balance of analysis, critique, and prescription
at a crucial time for the World Organization.”—Mary
Robinson, President, Realizing Rights: The Ethical Globalization
Initiative, Former President of Ireland and UN High Commissioner
for Human Rights
“Given the constant pressure of events within the
United Nations, and rapid developments in all the fields
that it touches, it is very useful to have a study that
stands back and reflects on the challenges for the United
Nations as the new Secretary-General takes office. The
Oxford Handbook on the United Nations is clearly a scholarly
and important work. The editors of this volume have sought
contributors of the highest quality to comment on the track
record of the Organisation and to make recommendations for
the future. The Handbook will surely be of interest
to all those who know - or think that they know –
the United Nations.”—Judge Rosalyn Higgins,
President of the International Court of Justice |
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Human Rights Ideas at the United Nations: The Political
History of Universal Justice (2007)
Roger Normand
& Sarah Zaidi |
book will be an assessment of the revolutionary idea of
human rights, beginning with the UN Charter and the Universal
Declaration and ending with the contemporary emphasis on
the holistic package of civil, political, economic, social,
and group rights. The analysis will raise questions about
the unfinished revolution, not the least whether the world,
as too often before, may be entering a phase of reversal
in what was a major area of human advance. The authors will
examine important advances and continued strong support
for human rights that will not easily be reversed by the
war on terror. The outcome, as so often before, will depend
on the pressures brought to bear by civil society. |
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Preventive Diplomacy at the United Nations:
The Journey of an Idea
B.G. Ramcharan
Preventive diplomacy is one of the great ideas promulgated by
the world organization, namely that quiet diplomacy may head-off
some armed conflicts. While running with the intellectual threads
of the concept in the political, economic, social, human rights,
and humanitarian spheres, this book will also document the available
practice, showing significant contributions in situations such
as the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, tracing the role of the Security
Council, representatives of the Secretary-General and regional
conflict prevention centers, and examining the application of
the concept in new areas, such as the prevention of genocide and
The UN and Development Cooperation
Olav Stokke
This book will be an assessment of the UN's role in conceptualizing
and advocating policies for the transfer of public resources,
soft lending, and technical assistance. The history of this public
concern changed significantly over the course of the second half
of the twentieth century, reflecting changes in the political
and economic international environments and evolving predominant
norms. The focus will be on the role of the United Nations and
its specialized agencies in generating and following up ideas
within this policy area. But these institutions were not the only
actors on the scene; and the World Bank and member governments
of the UN in their individual capacities have strongly influenced
both the philosophy guiding this public activity and the practice.
The UN and Transnationals, from Code to
Tagi Sagafi-nejad, in collaboration
with John Dunning
This book will examine the intellectual contributions spawned
within, or filtered through, the galaxy of disparate units of
the United Nations on the role of transnational corporations (TNCs)
and their impact on economic development and international relations.
It will seek to determine whether, and in what respects, the UN
has been ahead of the curve of scholarly understanding on this
topic and of the institutions and policies of both national governments
and supranational entities in response to the increasing role
of TNC activity in the global economy.
The UN and the Global Commons: Development
Without Destruction
This volume will analyze the contribution of international organizations
to the idea of sustainable development and to the effective management
of the global commons. The clash between the ideas of the conservation
of natural resources versus the requirement to develop less industrialized
countries is one of the most crucial challenges as the 21st century
deals with such issues as global warming and carrying capacity
of the globe.
The UN and Global Governance: An Idea
and its Prospects
Ramesh Thakur and Thomas G. Weiss
This book will examine the complex of formal and informal institutions,
mechanisms, relationships, and processes between and among states,
markets, citizens, and organizations, both inter- and nongovernmental,
through which collective interests on the global plane are articulated,
rights and obligations are established, and differences are mediated.
“Global governance”—which can be good, bad,
or indifferent—refers to concrete cooperative problem-solving
arrangements, many of which increasingly involve not only the
United Nations of states but also “other UNs,” namely
international secretariats and other nonstate actors.
The United Nations: A History of Ideas
and Their Future
Richard Jolly, Louis Emmerij, and Thomas
G. Weiss
This final volume will draw upon the commissioned books and oral
histories with the ambition of being the synthesis of “forward
looking” history, drawing conclusions for international
governance in the 21st century. The goal is to identify specific
lessons from the past so that the UN can play a fuller and stronger
role in the changing context of the issues and challenges of the
emerging world economy.
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