American Academy of Diplomacy
The Philip Merrill Fellowship
The American Academy of Diplomacy, in collaboration with the Paul
H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies of Johns Hopkins
University in Washington , DC , announces the Philip Merrill Fellowship
to be awarded for the best essay on the practice of American diplomacy.
The Academy is a private, non-profit society of 100 men and women who,
during their careers in government, played major roles in the conduct
of American diplomacy. Its members, now retired from government (including
all living former Secretaries of State), work to enhance the quality
of that diplomacy and build better public appreciation for its critical
role in the pursuit of American interests abroad.
The 2003 Philip Merrill Fellowship was awarded to Daniel P. O'Neill
who wrote about Dr. Ralph Bunche's role in establishing the first United
Nations-led peacekeeping force in the Sinai in 1956.
The contest is open to U.S. citizens who are applicants to the two-year
M.A. program at SAIS . To compete for the fellowship, which will provide
$12,000 toward SAIS tuition for each of the two academic years, applicants
must submit an essay.
For further information about the contest, applicants may contact
the SAIS website:
or the American Academy of Diplomacy website:
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on Foreign Relations
The Council on Foreign Relations has established an endowed chair in
Africa Policy Studies on January 6, 2003. This chair has been named
in honor of Ralph Bunche who was a member of the Council on Foreign
Relations. This is the first endowed chair in Africa Policy Studies
at any U.S. Think Tank or Public Policy School. The chair holder will
bring together existing American talent on Africa with new American
talent and with African leaders to address Africa's problems. "The
new chair shows the Council's commitment to addressing African issues
and represents a clear statement by the Council's Board and members
that Africa should be and will be a top priority for US foreign policy," said
Council President Leslie H. Gelb.
The Council on Foreign Relations has endowed the chair with $3.2
million in lead gifts to date. The major donors have been the Hurford
Foundation, The Coca-Cola Company, and Vincent A. Mai, Chairman, AEA
Investors, Inc. Princeton Lyman will be the first holder of the newly
endowed Ralph Bunche Chair in Africa Policy Studies.
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Foreign Policy Association
Colin Powell Presents Foreign Policy Address At CCNY
Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, one of the most distinguished graduates
of The City College of New York, delivered a policy address at CCNY
on Monday, November 10, 2003, in commemoration of the centenary of
Dr. Ralph Bunche, the great Civil Rights advocate, world statesman
and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.
The address, which was attended by over 1,000 people in The Great
Hall of Shepard Hall, was sponsored by CCNY President Gregory H. Williams
and the College’s Colin L. Powell Center for Policy Studies,
in cooperation with the Foreign Policy Association.
To view the full
text, click here.
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Global Alliance for Women’s
Global Alliance for Women’s Health (GAWH) will hold a symposium
dealing with social and political consequences of the HIV/AIDS pandemic
in Africa. The first topic will be the economic impact of the HIV/AIDS
in African countries. A second will be the impact of HIV/AIDS on gender
relations and gender issues. A third will be the impact of HIV/AIDS
in Africa on the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria. A fourth
will be equitable access to treatment: Pharmaceutical interventions.
On March 2, 2004, GAWH is also sponsoring a symposium at the UN Headquarters
on “Diabetes and Global Women’s Health Concerns” in
commemoration of Dr. Ralph J. Bunche, who had diabetes, and on the
Occasion of the 48th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of
the Women. The goal of the meeting is to address diabetes as a global
disease, and to broad the international education and advocacy base
concerning diabetes.
For more information please see the attached
flyer. To RSVP, please email to or
telephone at 212-286-0424
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Research Repository, Inc
The Historical Research Repository, Inc, Publishers African American
History have issued a poster honoring all black Noble Prize recipients,
and they are planning to hold a commemoration of Ralph Bunche on August
7, 2004
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International House on March 29, 2004 , will hold a speaker event as
part of the centenary celebration of Dr. Ralph J. Bunche, who served
on International House's Board of Trustees from 1954 until his death
in 1971.
The centenary honors the legacy of Dr. Bunche as an internationalist
and dedicated civil servant to the United Nations, a peacemaker, a
civil rights leader, a scholar of Africa and the first person of color
to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace. This program is also part
of a year-long programmatic series on human rights.
Dr. Francis Mading Deng will talk on “The Plight of the Internally
Displaced: A Challenge to the International Community”
Francis Mading Deng has served as Representative of the UN Secretary-General
on Internally Displaced Persons since 1992. He is also a Research Professor
of International Politics, Law and Society at the Johns Hopkins University
and the Director of a newly established Center for Displacement Studies.
He has served as Human Rights Officer in the UN Secretariat, as Sudan
's Ambassador to Canada , the Scandinavian countries and the U.S. ,
and as Minister of State for Foreign Affairs. Since leaving his country's
Foreign Service, Dr. Deng has served in academic and research appointments
at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, the Rockefeller
Brothers Fund, the Brookings Institution and the Ralph Bunche Institute
for International Studies at the Graduate Center of the City University
of New York.
For more information and R.S.V.P. please call Ms. Susan Storms by
March 26th at 212-316-8472 or e-mail at
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Peace Academy (IPA)
International Peace Academy (IPA) intends to dedicate one of its policy
fora to Ralph Bunche in 2003.
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National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
has featured a “Ralph Bunche Theme Park” at his annual
convention in Miami Beach Florida, July 12-17, 2003. The Ralph Bunche
Centenary Commemoration Committee (RBCCC) has participated in the convention
showing William Graves’ documentary Ralph Bunche an American
Odyssey and distributing information regarding the centenary.
During the NAACP 95th Annual Convention in Philadelphia, The RBCC participated in the convention with a Ralph Bunche photo exhibit and a book display in the Ralph Bunche International Park and Embassy Row at the Information Exchange Center.
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New York Public Library
The New York Public Library will offer a public lecture at the NYPL
Celeste Bartos Forum in the Spring of 2004.
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Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture
The Schomburg Center for Research in
Black Culture will recognize Ralph Johnson Bunche with an exhibition
and public program series, as 2003 marks the centenary year of the
achievements, intellect, and vision of this remarkable scholar and
statesman. Drawn from the Schomburg Center’s Ralph Bunche Papers,
the exhibition will be on view from August through October 2003 and
will include photographs, documents, and artifacts from Bunche’s
extraordinary life.
For further information, please visit: or
contact Mr. Christopher Moore, Research Coordinator, Schomburg Center
for Research in Black Culture, 515 Malcom X Boulevard, New York, NY
10037. E-mail:
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Held by the United Nations
of the Ralph Bunche UN Stamps at the UN

From left to right:
Congressman Charles Rangel, Secretary-General Kofi Annan, Ambassador
James Cunningham, NYC Commission to the UN Marjory Tiven. Standing
from left to right: Sir Brian Urquhart, former UN Under-Secretary-General
for Special Political Affairs, Ms. Joan Bunche, George F. Saddler,
president of the AFICS, Dr. Rivlin, co-chair RBCCC
The Ralph Bunche Centenary Commemoration Committee and the United Nations
officially launched the centenary commemoration of the birth of Ralph
Johnson Bunche on August 7, 2003, with a ceremony at UN Headquarters
in New York. The official launch of the Ralph Bunche Centenary Commemoration
was held in the Trusteeship Council Chamber at UN Headquarters with
a First Day of Issue Ceremony sponsored by the United Nations Postal
Administration, which issued a set of three stamps commemorating the
100th anniversary of his birth. The stamps, available in United States
dollars, Swiss francs and Euros are based on charcoal portraits by
Leo Cherne and adapted by Rorie Katz.
Chaired by the New York Centenary Committee chair George F. Saddler,
president of the Federation of Associations of Former International
Civil Servants, the ceremony featured remarks by Secretary-General
Kofi Annan, United States Congressman Charles B. Rangel, the Deputy
Permanent Representative of the United States, Ambassador James B.
Cunningham, and Sir Brian Urquhart, former UN Under-Secretary-General
for Special Political Affairs.
of Secretary-General Kofi Annan at the ceremony marking issuance
of the United Nations Stamp commemorating Ralph Bunch

To see the statements of UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan,
Sir Brian Urquhart, Dr. Benjamin Rivlin, and the stamp background information, please
click here.
held by the UN Department of Public Information
The UN Department of Public Information has developed an exhibit dedicated
to Ralph Bunche working closely with the Schomburg Center for Research
in Black Culture, The Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies,
and the Queens Museum of Art.
The exhibit alternates text, photographic images, and objects. It
began October 8 and closed November 22, 2003. To visit the photo gallery,
view the video of the opening of the exhibit, and read the UN Secretary-General's
remarks, please visit:
Nations Ralph Bunche Centenary Lecture Series
The United Nations Department of Public Information, in association
with the Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies of the City
University of New York Graduate Center, has arranged a series of three
lectures to mark the birth centenary of Ralph Bunche and to honor his
legacy. The three seminars are:
Septembers 4, 2003 from 1:00pm to 3:00 pm , workshop
on Then and Now: Ralph Bunche and the Question of Palestine.
Keynote Speaker: Deniss Ross
November 20, 2003 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm , workshop
on Then and Now, From Ralph Bunche to Lakhdar Brahimi: The Future
of Peacekeeping and Mediation.
Keynote Speaker: David Malone
"From Ralph Bunche to Lakhdar Brahimi: The Future
of Peacekeeping and Mediation" , was held on 20
November 2003 in the Dag Hammarskjöld Library Auditorium.
Mr. David Malone, President of International Peace Academy, was
the keynote speaker and H.E. Mr. Kishore Mahbubani, Permanent Representative
of Singapore , and Dame Margaret Anstee, former Under-Secretary-General,
who served as Special Representative of the Secretary-General for
Angola and Chief, United Nations Angola Verification Mission (UNAVEM
III), were the discussants. Sir Brian Urquhart, former Under Secretary-General,
moderated the event, which was introduced by Mr. Shashi Tharoor,
Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information.
February 5, 2004 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm , workshop on Then
and Now: Ralph Bunche and the Integrity of the International Civil
Keynote speaker: James O.C. Jonah
"Ralph Bunche and the Integrity of the International
Civil Service" , was held on 5 February 2004 in
the Dag Hammarskjöld Library Auditorium from 1 to 3 p.m. James
O.C. Jonah, former United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Political
Affairs and Senior Fellow of the Ralph Bunche Institute for International
Studies, was the keynote speaker. Catherine Bertini, Under-Secretary-General
of the Department of Management, and George Saddler, Chair of the
New York Ralph Bunche Centenary Commemoration Committee and President
of the Federation of Associations of Former International Civil
Servants (FAFICS), were the discussants. Shashi Tharoor, Under-Secretary-General
for Communications and Public Information, introduced the programme,
moderated by Sir Brian Urquhart, former Under-Secretary-General
for Special Political Affairs. Members of Permanent Missions, Secretariat
staff, representatives of inter-governmental and non-governmental
organizations, and the media were invited to attend and to join
in the discussion following the presentations. [Archived
The lecture were held in the Dag Hammarskjöld Library Auditorium.
Brian Urquhart, former United Nations Under Secretary-General, moderated
the events, which were introduced by Shashi Tharoor, Under-Secretary-General
for Communications and Public Information. The programme was open to
questions from, and discussion with, the audience. Members of Permanent
Missions, Secretariat staff, non-governmental organizations and the
media were invited to attend.
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Nations Association - Australia
The UNA Association in Australia has endorsed the anniversary
plans and has publicized the anniversary among its branches and left
it to their discretion whether they can include some appropriate activities
marking the anniversary.
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Nations Association of Greater Boston
On UN Day, October 24, 2003, the UNA-GB will honor the legacy of
Dr. Ralph Bunche at their Annual Luncheon. For more information , please
contact the UNA-GN at
On February 22, 200 , as part of the centenary celebration, UNA of
Greater Boston has hosted the screening of William Greaves film Ralph
Bunche: An American Odyssey. The movie was followed by a discussion
with Professor Lawrence Finkelstein.
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Nations Association – Maine
The United Nations Association, Maine Chapter, plans to sponsor an
event commemorating the Ralph Bunche Centennial on the occasion of
UN Day 2003. The event, a symposium about Bunche the man and the international
civil servant, will be held on Saturday October 25th from 2:00 to 4:00pm
in the First Universalist Church in Yarmounth and will be co-sponsored
by the church.
Discussion at the symposium will be led by two retired senior UN officials
who worked with Dr. Bunche in various peacekeeping activities, Messrs.
John Olver and Bruce Stedman. They will be joined by General E. Talbot,
a student of African American history in Maine and the first black
to be elected to the Maine state legislature.
For further information, please contact Mr.Bruce R. Stedman at 167
Fowles Point Road, Westport Island, ME 04578, e-mail:
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United Nations Association - New Jersey
The UNA-USA, New Jersey Division is organizing an event to commemorate
the Ralph Bunche Centenary at The Newark Museum on Saturday, April
24, 2004 . The Program, co-sponsored by Young Professionals for International
Cooperation and other organizations, will include distinguished presentations
about Ralph Bunche as a progressive intellectual, global statesman,
peace mediator and civil rights leader.
Progressive Intellectual: He earned his Doctorate in Government
and International Relations from Harvard University ; founded and served
as chairperson of the Dept. of Political Science at Howard University
, and served as President of the American Political Science Association
Global Statesman: Dr. Bunche served as a U.S. State Department
official, helping to create the UN. He then served as Director
of the UN Division of Trusteeship and Under-Secretary General for two
decades, playing a leading role in the conception and conduct of the
UN's peacekeeping functions.
Peace Mediator: Bunche received the 1950 Nobel Peace Prize for
his role as the UN Acting Mediator in Palestine , facilitating the
1949 Rhodes Armistices between Israel and Egypt , Jordan , Lebanon
and Syria .
Civil Rights Leader: Dr. Bunche was also a life-long activist
on race issues and civil rights. In 1936 he was a founder of the
National Negro Congress. He marched with Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr. from Selma to Montgomery , and was among the leaders during the
March on Washington .
Presenters and Discussants:
Rep. Donald M. Payne, who will receive the Ralph Bunche Global Citizenship
Award in recognition for serving as a Congressional Representative
to the UN, promoting sustainable peace, development and good governance;
interpreting local and global concerns; providing leadership for Cyprus,
Haiti, and on African affairs in several countries.
Patrick Hayford, Director for African Affairs, Executive Office of
the Secretary-General, United Nations.
Dr. Adolph Reed, Professor of Political Science at New School University
; author and editor of several books on American and African American
politics and political thought, urban politics, and American political
development, including Without Justice for All: The New Liberalism
and the Retreat from Racial Equality.
E. Diana Cassells. Associate Director of the Ralph Bunche Centenary
Secretariat, Ralph Bunche Institute , City University of New York Graduate
Center . Caribbean Security and Development Scholar.
Tomoko Yakoi, Young Professionals for International Cooperation.
Special Event participants are welcome to arrive early for complimentary
viewing of Newark Museum exhibits. A Jazz Ensemble from the Newark
Teen Arts Festival will be performing for UNA-USA guests from 1:30
to 2:00 .
UNA-USA New Jersey Division Ralph Bunche Centenary planning committee
includes Prof. Robert Manley (chair), Elizabeth Jefferson, Stanton
Johnson, Vivian Nilsson, Nancy Porter
RSVP to not required, but would be appreciated.
For more information, special needs, or to recommend other persons/groups
to receive notices, contact Jim L. Nelson at
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Nations Association - United Kingdom
UNA-UK has organized a Ralph Bunche Lecture to celebrate the life and
contributions of Ralph Bunche. Sir Bian Urquhart, a close colleague
of Ralph Bunche at the UN for many years and writer of a major biography
of him, will deliver the lecture on “Ralph Bunche: the Person.” The
lecture, to be followed by a reception, will be delivered on Wednesday
5 November, 2003 at 7:00pm in the Grand Committee Room, House of Commons.
Also speaking, on why the values espoused by Ralph Bunche are relevant
to young people today, will be Hafsat Abiola, a Nigerian human rights
worker and daughter of the late Moshood Abiola, the elected President
of Nigeria.
For more details information, please visit:
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Nations Association - USA
Since the UNA-USA works closely with the School of Diplomacy and International
Relations at Seton Hall University , they are also organizing a joint
symposium on the life of Ralph Bunche at Seton Hall for next Fall.
UNA-USA Announces the Top 3 Winners
of their High School Contest On the Legacy of Ralph Bunche
UNA-USA has dedicated the 2003 National High School Essay contest
to Ralph Bunche. The topic of the Essay Contest is: To what extent
is Ralph Bunche's vision for the international system the best by which
we should measure the effectiveness of the United Nations today? The
deadline for submission was March 12, 2003 . On June 11, 2003 the three
National Prize Winners were announced.
The 3 U.S. winners were honored in New York City , at the Essay Contest
Banquet on Thursday, July 10, at New School University . The banquet
took place during the week-long Model
U.N. Summit & Leadership Conference, also organized
by UNA-USA. The Summit & Leadership Conference ran from July 8-13,
also at New School University in New York City . The keynote speaker
at this year's banquet was William Greaves, executive producer/director
and writer of "Ralph Bunche: An American Odyssey", a documentary
on Dr. Ralph Bunche, former U.N. Under-Secretary-General and the subject
of this year's Essay Contest. "It's most unfortunate that Ralph
Bunche has been otherwise overlooked," said Greaves. "Bunche
is a spectacular example of what one individual can do to make the
world a better place for all humanity. His input in current world disputes
is sorely needed."
This year's 3 national winners are:

Place: Jason Dean Crowe ; Sky Flight Academy; Newburgh,
(Above, with his mother, Cindy, Ambassador Luers and William Greaves)
Place: Julien P. Dumoulin-Smith ; Hastings High School;
Hastings-On-Hudson, NY
Place: Ryan Villanueva ; Mission Viejo High School; Coto
de Caza, CA
(Below, with his father, Paul (left), Ambassador Luers, William
Greaves, his mother Agnes and his grandfather Pedro)
For further information, please contact Ms. Suzanne DiMaggio, Senior
Advisor, UNA-USA, 801 2 Avenue, New York, NY 10017 E-mail: and
check the UNA-USA
UNA-USA (Queens, NY Chapter )
UNA-USA (Queens, NY Chapter ) has held an event on June 7th, 2003 recognizing
Queens high school students and their educators who have brought to
life Dr. Bunche’s vision for International peace through mediation.
Dr. Benjamin Rivlin, Director of the Ralph Bunche Centenary Secretariat,
presented the awards to the Queens high school students who participated
in the essay contest.
2003 National Forum on the United Nations
During the 2003 National Forum on the United Nations a special session
will be dedicated to the Ralph Bunche Centenary. The session will
be held on Friday, June 27, at 7:00 pm . The session, Ralph
Bunche : On Improving Human Relations , will consist of
a presentation of the life of Ralph Bunche , a short video from the
producer of the PBS special “Ralph Bunche : An American Odyssey,” and
a discussion on the significance of Dr. Bunche's life.
Moderator : Jerry Prince , Human
Rights Officer, Baha'is of the United States
Speaker : Lawrence Finkelstein ,
Ralph Bunche Centenary Commemoration
For further information regarding the National Forum please click
Day Celebrations – Westport Chapter
UNA-USA, Westport Chapter is co-sponsoring the presentation of the
documentary film, Ralph Bunche: An American Odyssey, at the Westport
Library on Oct. 26th. Introducing the film will be its executive producer/director
and writer, William Greaves.
Also attending will be Ralph Bunche's daughter, Joan Bunche, and George
F. Saddler, chair of the New York Region Ralph Bunche Centenary Commemoration
Committee, and president of the Federation of Associations of Former
International Civil Servants.
(Frankfort Chapter)
"An overview of African American History Month and International Black Leaders" will
be the program at the next Frankfort Chapter UNA-USA's monthly meeting on Monday,
February 23, at 7:30 p.m. in the Alumni House at Kentucky State University. Dr.
Anne Butler and Dr. Gashaw Lake, KSU professors, will present the program and
focus particularly on Dr. Ralph Bunche, the most prominent African American who
worked at the United Nations.
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United Nations Association – Westchester
On Sunday, February 29th, from 2 – 4 p.m., the United Nations
Association of the U.S.A., Westchester County Chapter, together with
several co-sponsors, will host a program on “Dr. Ralph J. Bunche,
Jr. (1903-1971): The U.N.’s African-American Diplomat for Troubled
Times.” The event will be held at the Scarsdale Public Library,
54 Olmsted Road at Post Road (Route 22). The public is cordially invited.
For questions or information, call: Phil Reynolds (914) 472-5490 or
Co-sponsors for the event include the Ralph Bunche Institute for International
Studies of the City University of New York, the Westchester Martin
Luther King Jr. Institute for Non-Violence, the Westchester County
Chapter of The LINKS, Inc., the Association of Black American Ambassadors,
the African-American Men of Westchester and the Interracial Women’s
Leadership Roundtable.
George F. Saddler, Chair of the New York Dr. Ralph J. Bunche Centenary
Commemoration Committee, will speak on “The Legacy of Ralph Bunche.” Dr.
Larry Spruill, Principal, Mount Vernon High School and Historian, City
of Mount Vernon, will speak on “What Ralph Bunche means for African-Americans
Today.” Margaret K. Bruce, UNA-USA Westchester Chapter board
member and an original member of the staff of the United Nations, who
was personally acquainted with Mr. Bunche, will speak on “Remembering
Ralph Bunche.” Prominent local speakers and panelists will make
presentations on what Ralph Bunche might make of our world today.
More information visit:
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