Directory of Institutions' Activities |
District of Columbia Public Schools Global Alliance for Women’s Health (GAWH) Johns Hopkins University International Studies Association (ISA) Ralph Bunche Institute for International
Studies (RBIIS) The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture UCLA UN Lecture Series |
The Ralph Bunche Centenary Commemoration Committee (RBCCC) is pleased to announce that the United Nations Postal administration will issue on August 7, 2003, UN commemorative stamps portraying peace keeping photos of Dr. Ralph Bunche to honor the 100th anniversary of his birth. The stamps will be available in US Dollars, Euros and Swiss Franks. In recognition of the centenary of Ralph Bunche, former APSA President, the APSA is conducting a “Ralph Bunche Centennial Lecture” as part of its 2003 Annual Meeting which will take place during the period between August 28-31, 2003. The Lecture will be delivered on August 29th, 2003 by Fareed Zakaria, the author of The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad, and the Editor and foreign policy commentator of the Newsweek International. The 2003 meeting coincides with the APSA Centenary celebration as well. For further information, please contact
Mr. Robert Hauck, Executive Director, American Political Science Association,
1527 New Hampshire Avenue, NW , Washington , DC , 20024 Colgate University has decided to hold a symposium on the “Life and Times of Dr. Bunche”. For further information, please contact Dr. Nigel Young, Director of the Peace Studies Program, Colgate University , 116 Alumni Hall, 13 Oak Drive , Hamilton , NY , 13336 /1398 E-mail: In recognition of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Dr. Ralph Bunche, The American Academy of Diplomacy is sponsoring the Philip Merrill Fellowship at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies of John Hopkins University, for applicants (U.S. citizens) to the two-year M.A. program at the SAIS for the 2003-2004 academic year. The topic of the essay is: "This year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Dr. Ralph Bunche, the first African-American winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, and one of the America's greatest statesmen. Describe and assess one or more of Dr. Bunche's major diplomatic achievements and the principles on which they were based." For further information about the contest, applicants may contact the SAIS website:, or the American Academy of Diplomacy website: The Historical Research Repository, Inc, Publishers African American History have issued a poster honoring all black Noble Prize recipients, and they are planning to hold a commemoration of Ralph Bunche on August 7, 2004 A Ralph Bunche commemoration will be included in the program
for the IPSA 2003 Congress. The XIX Congress of IPSA will be held
in Durban, ISA will offer a set of panels revolving around Bunche’s work at their 2004 annual meeting, along with a formal dedication and recognition during their plenary session. The ISA 2004 meeting will be held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, from 17-20 of March. The panels will be chaired by Professor Lawrence S. Finkelstein. A Committee has been established in Bangui, Central African Republic, in order to celebrate Ralph Bunche Centenary. The Committee is chaired by the Dean of the Faculté des Lettres ae Sciences Humaines de Bangui. The Committee is organizing a Ralph Bunche Symposium to be held in May 2003. Below you can find the program's draft. Ralph Bunche Centenary Celebration (1903-2003) in Bangui, (CAR) Intervening Parties
1.0 Introduction 2. By Professor Ismael Sy 2.0 Who is Ralph Bunche 3. By Professor Sarandji 3.0 The Great Ideas of Ralph Bunche 4. By Professor Joachim Guelembi 4.0 Hommages to Dr. Bunche 5. By the Representative of the Secretary-General 5.0 Conclusion MESA will host a panel discussion on Dr. Bunche at the 2003 MESA meeting, which will be held in November in Anchorage , Alaska . UNA-USA has dedicated the 2003 National High School Essay contest to Ralph Bunche. The topic of the Essay Contest is: To what extent is Ralph Bunche's vision for the international system the best by which we should measure the effectiveness of the United Nations today? The deadline for submission is March 12, 2003. On June 11, 2003 the three National Prize Winners will be announced. Since the UNA-USA works closely with the School of Diplomacy and International Relations at Seton Hall University , they are also organizing a joint symposium on the life of Ralph Bunche at Seton Hall for next Fall. For further information, please contact Ms. Suzanne DiMaggio, Senior Advisor, UNA-USA, 801 2 Avenue, New York, NY 10017 E-mail: and check the UNA-USA we-site at UNA-USA (Queens, NY Chapter) UNA-USA (Queens, NY Chapter ) has held an event on June 7th, 2003 recognizing Queens high school students and their educators who have brought to life Dr. Bunche’s vision for International peace through mediation. Dr. Benjamin Rivlin, Director of the Ralph Bunche Centenary Secretariat, presented the awards to the Queens high school students who participated in the essay contest. 2003 National Forum on the United Nations During the 2003 National Forum on the United Nations a special session will be dedicated to the Ralph Bunche Centenary. The session will be held on Friday, June 27, at 7:00 pm. For further information regarding the National Forum please click here. UNA - UK will hold a meeting to celebrate the life and contributions of Ralph Bunche. Details regarding the event, date and location are forthcoming. UN Association - Australia
The UNA Association in United Nations University (Japan) |